Investing Strategies for the High Net-Worth Investor
Maximize Returns on Taxable Portfolios
Published by McGraw-Hill Education
A proven model for achieving high returns on taxable investments
Investing Strategies for the High Net-Worth Investor showcases an investing approach that helps readers understand the unique challenges and opportunities that wealthy families face when building a diversified portfolio for multiple generations. Renowned private wealth manager Niall J. Gannon offers a framework for investing in tax-friendly asset classes. Readers will gain critical insight for building a solid portfolio. More information.
“Wealth can beget complexity, but wealth doesn’t need to be managed in a complex fashion. The recipe for preserving and building wealth is the same today as it was fifty years go: Minimize taxes and fees, maintain a long-term perspective, and never forget that future returns depend on the price you pay. Niall Gannon reminds us that the simplest and most time-tested investment principles can outperform the latest fads.” – Patrick Dorsey, CFA, Director of Equity Research, Morningstar
“Trusting too much in history, i.e., past performance is how investors landed in the mess of 2008. Not learning from the lessons of history will keep investors trapped in tax inefficient, overly complex solutions. Niall Gannon dares to expose the dangers of both missteps." – Charlotte B. Beyer, Founder & CEO, Institute for Private Investors
“If the only two things that are guaranteed in life are death and taxes, Niall Gannon’s book provides both essential data and important investment advice to investors on how to best deal with the latter in their investment choices and strategies.” – Dr. Aswath Damodaran, Professor of Finance and David Margolis Teaching Fellow at the Stern School of Business at New York University
Hardcover | 320 pages
| $42.00 USD
| 6.4 x 1.1 x 9.4 inches
| 978-0071628204
| December 28, 2009